Monday, 30 June 2014


1. The County Governments Act No.17 of 2012

The County Governments Act, 2012, is an Act of Parliament that gives effect to Chapter Eleven of the Constitution (on Devolved Government); to provide for county governments' powers, functions and responsibilities to deliver services and for connected purposes. The Act received presidential assent on 24th July, 2012. It came into operation upon the final announcement of the results of the first elections under the New Constitution in March 2013.

Get your copy of the County Governments Act, 2012 here.

 2. The Public Finance Management Act, 2012
The Public Finance Management Act, 2012, is an Act of Parliament that provides for;
(i) the effective management of public finances by the national and county governments; 
(ii) the oversight responsibility of Parliament and County Assemblies; 
(iii) the different responsibilities of government entities and other bodies; and 
(iv) for connected purposes.

How to Ensure Quality Services in Devolution

How to Ensure Quality Services in Devolution
By Ndung'u Wainaina

One of the critical features of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 is the creation of a devolved co-operative system of governance dismantling the old oppressive and skewed centralised government the country has had since 1964. It further repealed the sessional policy paper 10 of 1965, which was a defining moment in the country’s political economic development and continue to influence policy making. A generic of this policy paper is the much-taunted Vision 2030, which has to be reviewed to comply with constitutional order.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Senate Special Committee Final Report on Kericho County Governor

Senate Special Committee Final Report on Kericho County Governor Impeachment Probe. The report was tabled in the house by the 11-member committee which was appointed by the senate to look into the allegations leveled against Governor Paul Chepkwony. Red more

Roots and Routes of Political Violence in Kenya’s Civil and Political Society: A Case Study of Marsabit County

Struggles to influence the balance of power and the distribution of economic resources in Kenya have a long history of violence: national and local, actual and threatened, physical and psychological. Somewhat controlled by sophisticated legal, administrative and political institutions and strongly tempered by a deep fund of intercommunity cooperation, violence has been kept in check, but remains persistent.
The levels of violence vary from place to place and year to year, and seldom break out into full-scale clashes or war. Nonetheless, different forms of violence combine with politics to form a resilient chain that exerts powerful control over people’s lives and resists straightforward policy prescriptions or easy practical resolutions read more download the report in PDF form here

County Budgets 2013 - 2014

You can access the county budgets 2013/14 from this link:

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Reports on “Analysis of Civic Space in East African Countries”

EACSOF entered into partnership with Service Centre for Development Cooperation(KEPA) to analyze the enabling factors and constraints regarding CSO existence and operations in East Africa, with a view to improving the legal and political environment in the region. Read more

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Battering of the Constitution- Yash Pal Ghai

The constitution
Uhuru Kenyatta inaugurated his presidency, just over a year ago, by the following declaration, “Achieving peace and strengthening unity will be the goal of my government. This work begins now”. These objectives, he said, “will be confirmed when the rights of all citizens are protected through legislation that upholds the spirit of our constitution...When all communities in Kenya are confident that they have a Government that listens to and addresses their needs”.  He welcomed “all Kenyans to hold us accountable”. Here is an ordinary Kenyan reminding him of his pledges and trying to hold him accountable  for more information click on the link here to download